Ingenuity Divested of Practical Application

Milestone! I have now been initiated into the rough-and-tumble world of International Defensive Pistol Association competitive shooting. How’d I do? I sucked. Well, I hit my targets pretty faithfully, but between the procedural deductions and the relative snail’s pace, my…

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Three Pauls and a Bloody Pig

Dredging down a hill through the loose gravel, I started to feel sharp pings in my hip. I was nervous that the osteo-arthro-gods would curse my weekend, since the newly titaniumized T-Bot hadn’t done much extended standing or walking. But…

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I’ve never been to Paul-E-Palooza. And sadly I never had the pleasure of training under its legendary namesake, the late Paul Gomez. But in its first two years, Paul-E-Palooza reportedly sold out months in advance and raised thousands of dollars for…

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