Fingers Crossed
Please don’t let Ferguson burn. Please.
read more →Please don’t let Ferguson burn. Please.
read more →Who can guess what just arrived in the mail??? And no, it’s not bricks of cocaine, although admittedly that’s the first thing that occurred to me when I laid them out like this. LOL 🙂
read more →Wow! Breaking news! Federal appellate court tells the Brady Campaign to butt the hell out of California gun litigation. Boom ping pow! What’s today, the 12th? So the ink’s not even dry on this ruling… Read the Opinion Here. I haven’t read…
read more →Hey, here’s one for all my police buddies out there. How many times have you retrieved incriminating evidence from a suspect who then exclaimed, “Hey, how’d that get in there?” Or “No way, that’s not mine!” Or “I have no…
read more →I’m an obsessive animal-lover. No animal has ever done any of the despicable things humans do every day, and that’s why I’d rather be in a room full of dogs than a room full of people. Call me introverted. So…
read more →Just gotta get something off my chest real quick. Or two things actually. I’ve been deliberately mum on Michael Brown & Darren Wilson, becaaauuuuse (drumroll please) …. (Eh hem, is this thing on? Y’all hearin’ me okay?) …. We … do … not … have … all ……
read more →Okay you legal beagles, pop quiz time! Self-defense is notoriously fuzzy in the domestic violence context. Skepticism of spousal self-defense spans back centuries, and that skepticism was actually codified until as recently as 1993 (when Oklahoma and North Carolina became the…
read more →You know what? Screw it. The time has come. After much fence-straddling, I think I’m officially in the market for an AR-15.
read more →I’m good with this. I’m good — both as a lawyer who fears the “slippery slope” and as an aunt whose nine nephews will likely at some point or another play loud music and be obnoxious teenagers. I gueessss I can maaaaybe somewhat understand the original jury’s…
read more →So, by now perhaps some of you have seen this:
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