Welcome to Front Sight Press! So glad you could stop by! This project started out as just a personal blog. My only purpose was to offer modest insight on the Second Amendment from an atypical perspective (specifically, a young, black, urban female lawyer who works in academia and also teaches firearms classes). As my involvement in the 2A community expanded, I realized something bigger and broader: the gun world needs a makeover. I mean, top to bottom — a complete and total rebranding. As formidable as some anti-gun forces may be, I sometimes wonder if the biggest threat to the Second Amendment could be our own public image.
That’s when I decided to offer more than just my random musings. In addition to the blog, I’m also helping pro-gun folks build websites, design more effective presentations for their classes, and generally transport themselves into the 21st Century. In my humble opinion, widening our 2A tent requires us to be a lot more conscious of the perceptions we sometimes fuel, not just the realities we assume everyone concedes.
The Second Amendment community has tolerated the same tired old stereotypes for far too long, if you ask me. I hate stereotypes. My proposal: let’s all work together to up our game. If you’d like a fresh, modern online presence with savvy pro-gun marketing that doesn’t alienate people, let’s chat about web design. If you’re teaching firearms classes or other defense-related curricula with outdated visual aids, let’s chat about document design. And if you’d just like to peek into the mind of a young black female who happens to believe strongly in the Second Amendment, please chime in on the blog. Here are just a few of the topics that interest me:
Let’s talk about guns.
But this ain’t your grandaddy’s dialogue.
For most of my life, my only exposure to firearms was negative: friends and family members getting shot, robberies, home invasions, car-jackings, and all the carnage we see on the news every day. In my early twenties, a family tragedy made me HATE guns with every fiber of my being. But then I realized I had never actually touched a gun, had never even seen one up close, and knew almost nothing about them. So, one day, out of the clear blue sky, I walked into Rangemaster in Memphis, Tennessee, and told the strangers at the counter that I was terrified of guns. Their response: “We’ll fix that.”
A couple of decades and scores of classes later, I am what you might call a convert. My introduction to “the gun world” has afforded me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people who I might never have otherwise encountered. And now I’ve got a somewhat unique perspective on guns: I’ve lived in both camps and heard arguments from people I trust and respect on both sides of the debate. And frankly, they sometimes frustrate me. Both sides have some valid points, but both sides do and say dumb things that hurt their own causes. Both sides (excluding the crazies) are usually genuine and well-meaning, but neither side readily admits that about the other.
Then there’s me, often caught in the middle. It’s a lonely space at times, especially now that recent trends in the gun debate have driven such a gaping wedge between the opposing points of view. I certainly don’t fancy myself an expert on firearms or self-defense. That title is reserved for giants like my mentor at Rangemaster, Tom Givens. However, if you’re tired of the same old talking points from the same old faces, here’s a simple site from a simple chick who just tries to keep an open mind. Please check out the blog, or let me know if I can help you dust off your website or instructional materials. With any luck, maybe we’ll gain a few useful nuggets of fresh perspective from each other along the way.
– tgj
I recently found your site from an article you wrote for the USCCA. I found the article to be insightful and well written. I will be back to see what other thoughts you might have to share. I think there are many gun enthusiasts who are comfortable in the middle on the topic. Thanks for your time and energy.
Just heard you on Civilian Carry radio and found myself downloading the episode so I could re-listen and take some notes down on the resources you gave. Super great info.
Thanks! ?
I heard you on Weaponized Woman today and I was impressed. Please consider appearing on the Kevin Jackson Radio program.
Hi, Bob! I’d be happy to. If you’d like to discuss, feel free to shoot me an email using the Contact link in the navigation bar above. Thanks! ?
Welcome back to blogging! I’ve missed your insightful comments. Today I listened to the final Gunblog Variety Cast. I’m going to miss that podcast (especially your section). Did you take Mo shooting and did you buy her a new gun for Christmas?
Thanks, Dale! Mo and I haven’t gone shooting yet, but we plan to go very soon. I’m sure she won’t let me forget. Stay tuned for updates. And thanks for sticking with the blog despite my little hiatus. ?
Thanks, Tiffany, for your posts. You are a fun read, gifted writer.
Your BGM post “P.S. Incidentally, Maj mentioned that he was scheduled to speak at the NRA Board of Directors meeting soon. Not sure if that’s happened yet. I’m anxiously awaiting news on how that goes and whether any interesting projects or collaborations will emerge from it.”
I also follow Maj. Similar to your experience, we spoke briefly at GRPC before his stage time. I invited Maj to present in committee at a coming NRA Board meeting. Certain that both Maj and I will give feedback.
Always best to you, Willes
Willes K. Lee, NRA Board of Directors
Thanks, Willes. I look forward to hearing all about it!
Tiffany ?
Got here via SAF (who’s Tam?) and am regularly impressed…
Thanks, Bob! Welcome aboard. Tam is legendary blogger extraordinaire Tamara Keel, of View from the Porch. You can read her at http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com. Highly recommended! ?
Interesting page ! Will be back
Looking forward to it!
Tiffany – I found your blog from a gun organization whose initials are PP when looking for a local trainer. I see you mentioned Rangemaster of Memphis in this post. Are you a trainer there? If so – I’m interested in getting some training and permits. You may or may not be on facebook but I am for a reply. Judith Shelton
Hi, Judith! Yes, I am a Rangemaster instructor, and I would love to talk to you about training and permits. Please feel free to email me using the Contact link above. I am also on Facebook. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi Tiffany,
Found your site of the link Mas put on his Backwoods Home blog. Very interesting and well written.
I’m an Australian firearm owner and hunter. Yes we exist with lots of paperwork and of course are the most law abiding people of any group.
No right to carry here except for some limited work situations. I have had one of these some years ago.
Grew up on farm, started rifle shooting at 8 and never stopped. Had times when university, children and other things slowed me down but trying to find time to do more.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much! Wow, Australia?!? I’m honored! I hope you’ll stop by more often.
Hey Tiff,
Glad to see your blog is going strong. I stop in now and then for an opinion I always valued. Love it out here in the mountains, how are things in Memphis going ? Glad to see that everyone is able to get together now and then for a little abuse, miss the Range. Hope you and Ike and Tina are all well.
Steve T.
Hey, Steve!!! So good to hear from you! We miss you! Glad you’re doing well. Hope we’ll be seeing you next month at Tac-Con-16!
Also late to the party; found out about your blog after seeing your name mentions on Kenn Blanchard’s podcast notes. I’m liking what I’m reading, and look forward to more.
David (OWD, libertarian, atheist)
Welcome aboard! Better late than never! Thanks for stopping by.
I met Brad Ackman at Frontsite, What a total asshole. He was rude the day we talked, like he couldn’t spare 5 minutes to talk with a war vet. I just want him to sign my book about his life at Frontsite. I loved the book and the stories. I did get the book signed I guess that was the good part.
No affiliation here.
Thanks for your service!
“Front Sight Press” … hmmm, not what I thought I’d find when I saw the URL … Not associated at all Ignatius Piazza & crew out west south-west of Las Vegas, eh? (www.frontsight.com) Have a look there, you might want to check out some of their courses as well. (For me, the 4-day shotgun class was the most fun I’ve had with a firearm.)
Anyway, nice to know about another “don’t fit in the convenient stereotypes” person wishing everyone would just tone it down and start talking WITH each other rather than screaming AT each other….
Amen!!! Welcome to the party, Tim!
Actually I’m headed to Vegas next month for a conference. Hmm, maybe I’ll go check out the famous Front Sight. But no, no affiliation whatsoever
Hi. I am a black, libertarian, army vet, gun lover. Welcome to the club of fitting in absolutely nowhere. I look forward to reading the blog of another person that doesn’t fit the stereotype.
Ha! Well thanks! Glad to know I’m not the only one!
Finally got a chance to check out your site, Tiffany. Very impressive. It’s good to be able to read different opinions about things without the usual insults and name calling you see on other blogs. Looking forward to reading more.
Thanks, John! Welcome aboard!
Glad I found you (thanks Tam). I have 4 shooting ranges on my place here in Montana, 25 yard pistol and rifle to 300 yards and still don’t get to shoot as much as I would like. If you get a chance to watch a “competent ammo re loader” rolling his/her own, you might catch the bug and it’s a good way to learn more about what’s going on when the trigger is squeezed.
You have a great perspective, please keep it up.
Thanks, I’ll do my best!
I am always a little late to the party. I saw your link on Tam’s site and was curious. I grew up in DeSoto County and spent a good bit of time in Memphis while growing up. I now live in Oxford, where we now have both an indoor range and an outdoor range, with another outdoor range planned by the MS Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. I plan on following your site, as I find your outlook refreshing.
Thanks! Glad to have you here. Please don’t be shy! -tgj
Wait, what’s the indoor range in Oxford?
I was a bit trepidatious when you talked about entering that gun store for the first time. That’s not always a great experience even for an experienced shooter. I am glad yours was. I look forward to reading your blog. It should be interesting
I now have reason to believe that had I wandered into certain other local gun stores I might have had a very different experience. Lucky me! Just goes to show, gun folks should always be mindful of the influence that first impression can have on curious, impressionable minds (i.e. potential converts like me). Thanks for tuning in! -tgj
Holy moley, Batman. It’s a Tamalanche!
White dude of a certain age with the medals and scars to explain some of them. Even after getting out I was not interested in guns (while in they were only a means to staying alive) until one day I experienced something that made me realize that harsh words and 911 were not going to cut it. Training led to enjoyment of the sport which led to meeting lots of good folks (and some doozies of not-good folk) on both sides of the argument.
I’ve put you on my daily reading list. Hope to see more that makes me want to keep you there. (And just being pro-gun does not get anybody on that list.)
stay safe.
Thanks, skidmark! Those of you who are putting me on your daily reading lists, I really appreciate it! And I’ll do my very best not to get kicked off (no pressure or anything)! -tgj
I’m a redirect from Tam – Welcome to the blogsphere
Same here. Good to have you aboard. Tom Givens is a great mentor to have.
Another Tami follower, glad to have found your blog. Look forward to following it. Question, have you attended an Appleseed weekend yet? If not check us out at Appleseedinfo.org. Great rifle marksmanship training and much more. Corvette
Thanks, Corvette! I’ll check it out!
Well at the risk of being redundant , Tam sent me . I’m glad she did!
Thanks! Welcome aboard!
Hi Tiffany,
Love your blog (I’m another import from Tam, she throws a wide loop). I’m a white guy of a certain age who is also a lawman and Tennessee HCP Instructor. It’s good to hear from someone on the left side of the state (geographically speaking). If your travels ever bring you to the Knoxville area, let me know and we’ll go shooting.
Awesome!!! Last time I was in Knoxville I knew precisely zero people there…
So I’ve increased the people you know here by 100%! there are serveral good people worth knowing in the area, including Says Uncle, Instapundit (you and he are both lawyers and know the secret handshake lol) and Dennis at Dragon Leather (even if he’s a transplant from New Yawk). I live in Sevierville actually but can be in deep West Knoxville in about 40 minutes. We are also getting a Bud’s Guns outpost with indoor range here. It’s under construction now and may be open very soon. Come visit sometime.
Thanks for the invite! I just might take you up on that! -tgj
Likewise. I live just past the western end of Knox County. TAC and Frontier Firearms both have pretty good indoor ranges near me. If you happen to be in this area, I’d be happy to get some range time in.
Well said.
Am here by Way of Tamara’s Shout Out so to speak. Glad to have found and reviewed you blog, I’m proud of you because your a stand out Tennessean and the best of what our state represents. I’m a recently retired LEO in the Clarksville TN area. If I can provide assistance feel free to ask otherwise I’ll stand you to a meal if our paths should cross or offer hospitality should you have need of such.
Joe S.
Thanks, Joe!
Old guy, hubby, dad, grandpa here.
Just got here from Tam’s, will be a daily visitor!
Thanks to Tam I checked out your blog. I like it.
Welcome to my daily read.
Thanks!!! -tgj
Another visitor from Tam’s blog. I am interested in hearing your perspectives!
Thanks, DonM! No shortage of those around here! Hope to see you chiming in often. -tgj
From one gun-and-dog blogger to another, welcome to the party!
Good morning! Just finished reading your content. Amazingly fresh outlook. Talk about breaking all the stereotypes!! I found your blog from Tam (I need to send her a thanks)
I am the guy you mention in your first paragraph (older white dude). Keep up the posts. Thoroughly enjoyed the read.
Good luck.
Thanks, JPD! Happy to have you here! Stop by often and chime in whenever you feel so inclined. I’m always happy to hear everybody’s point of view! Well, maybe not everybody… But sane people are always welcome! -tgj
So nice to hve found your blog. Please keep up the good work.
Even we stereotypical old guys enjoy a new colleague.
Thanks, Boat Guy! Hope you’ll hang out here often and post lots of comments!