Hey guys! Happy New Year!
We’ve been pretty busy cooking up new plans to take over the world. Just kidding. But have you heard about Tennessee’s new law? Yeah, I need to update my gun laws page. That’s coming soon. Long story short, they’re now allowing online training for the handgun carry permit. Here’s my two cents on that… plus a pretty exciting announcement from Citizens Safety Academy. 🙂
Here in CO, online training is a no-go, and one of the biggest reasons I’ve heard for that is that there isn’t any way to prove who was sitting behind the keyboard and watching/taking the online course.
I grew up in PA, where there wasn’t (and maybe still isn’t) ANY training requirement at all. Go down and apply, (fingerprints, photo, etc) pay your fee and wait until they call you to tell you it’s ready. Funny thing is, when you look at states like PA, where there isn’t any training requirement, and states where there are training requirements, the rate of revocations due to people doing stupid things that they shouldn’t, is pretty much the same.
That said, I’m not against training at all (just the opposite, I think training is a great idea, and the more the better!), I just find the argument against online training (that you can’t prove who was there watching the video) to be kind of silly, in light of the fact that the rate of revocation is pretty much identical whether they had to have training of any sort, or not.
It really boils down to this–some people can’t be trusted with a sharp stick, let alone a firearm. Give them ten hours or ten weeks of training, and they’ll still do something stupid. Forrest Gump had something to say about that, I believe. But until they do that stupid thing, they have a right to own a firearm and go about their business. But either way, they are a small fraction of a percent.
I think training helps most people, though, especially with the “what-if’s.” And I think there is value in any sort of training, even online training. Just as there are people who learn by doing, there are people who can learn by merely watching.
I am curious what will happen with reciprocity with TN after this, though. Idaho, I believe, has the enhanced permit, and if I remember correctly, there are a few states that only honor the enhanced permit from ID, not the lower tier permit.
Yep – I do think there will be fewer states recognizing the CCP versus the ECP. I believe North Dakota has already said it won’t recognize the CCP.
What a fun video! Outstanding job, my friend!
Thanks, Tim! ?