Looks like Santa started leaving presents early at Tiffany’s house, she must have been especially good this year! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks, Mike! Oh, and don’t forget Happy Birthday! On January 2 I’ll be a whopping 37 years young. Hence the otherwise unjustifiable splurge on toys. Hey, you only live once.
I always felt bad for kids whose birthdays and Christmas were so close together. I always figured they got fewer presents overall.
And when you share the ocassion with a twin brother it’s even worse!
I have a Daniel Defense…great gun. Ran it through the Gunsite 223 Carbine class in October without cleaning all week…1100 rounds in 5 days, 0 stoppages. Didn’t lube after Tuesday morning. You’re gonna be happy.
I hope so! Wish I could take a five-day carbine class 🙁
Even Ike and Tina are excited! Congrats! 🙂
What kind of upper did you get?
They are indeed! Check it out (hope this link works)…
Nice! DD makes some great rails. I have one of their rail systems on one of my Colt carbines. That looks like a stainless steel barrel – did you have somebody like BCM build it for you? They have some terrific deals right now.
Enjoy it in good health, and I hope you and the puppies have a safe and Merry Christmas! 🙂
Aw, how sweet! Thanks so much. Same to you! And the suspense will soon ne over — I’ll be posting pics of my new toy very soon!!!
The long one is a new case?
Uuuhh…. What’s a “case”? Sorry, showing my ignorance here. 🙂 That’s the upper. No idea why the box is so long. Sixteen-inch barrel.
Oh! You mean just a case to store it in? Oh sorry, I was thinking you were referring to some component of the gun itself. Duh, brain fart. Nope, not a case. Still need to buy one of those. And a new safe too. I need another job!
Wonder Woman? Queen of the World? (no wait, that’s RuPaul) Ms. Invincible!
Thanks again for my starter kit! You are hereby officially safe from the awesome might of my newfound epicness.
Looks like Santa started leaving presents early at Tiffany’s house, she must have been especially good this year! Congratulations and Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks, Mike! Oh, and don’t forget Happy Birthday! On January 2 I’ll be a whopping 37 years young. Hence the otherwise unjustifiable splurge on toys. Hey, you only live once.
I always felt bad for kids whose birthdays and Christmas were so close together. I always figured they got fewer presents overall.
And when you share the ocassion with a twin brother it’s even worse!
I have a Daniel Defense…great gun. Ran it through the Gunsite 223 Carbine class in October without cleaning all week…1100 rounds in 5 days, 0 stoppages. Didn’t lube after Tuesday morning. You’re gonna be happy.
I hope so! Wish I could take a five-day carbine class 🙁
Even Ike and Tina are excited! Congrats! 🙂
What kind of upper did you get?
They are indeed! Check it out (hope this link works)…

Nice! DD makes some great rails. I have one of their rail systems on one of my Colt carbines. That looks like a stainless steel barrel – did you have somebody like BCM build it for you? They have some terrific deals right now.
Enjoy it in good health, and I hope you and the puppies have a safe and Merry Christmas! 🙂
Aw, how sweet! Thanks so much. Same to you! And the suspense will soon ne over — I’ll be posting pics of my new toy very soon!!!
The long one is a new case?
Uuuhh…. What’s a “case”? Sorry, showing my ignorance here. 🙂 That’s the upper. No idea why the box is so long. Sixteen-inch barrel.
Oh! You mean just a case to store it in? Oh sorry, I was thinking you were referring to some component of the gun itself. Duh, brain fart. Nope, not a case. Still need to buy one of those. And a new safe too. I need another job!
Wonder Woman? Queen of the World? (no wait, that’s RuPaul) Ms. Invincible!
Thanks again for my starter kit! You are hereby officially safe from the awesome might of my newfound epicness.